Frequently Asked Questions

How do I buy discount gift cards?

Simply head over to our discount gift cards section to browse and select the ones you like best!

How long does it take to receive my gift cards after I order them?

We ship all of our physical gift cards through USPS First Class Mail which typically takes 3-7 business days to arrive at most locations. If you order any electronic gift cards, we'll email them to you within 1 business day.

Do these gift cards ever expire or have any associated fees?

No, to provide the best customer experience we've decided to only sell gift cards with no fees and no expiration.

Do you charge sales tax or shipping?

No, we do not charge sales tax and shipping is free. The price that you see is the price that you get!

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If you select the Gift Card option, we will send you an Gift Card via email within 24 hours of receiving your gift cards. Gift Cards never expire and can be used to shop for millions of items at, where you can find and discover almost anything you want to buy online at a great price.'s huge selection includes products in Books, Electronics, Music, MP3 Downloads, DVD, Home & Garden, Apparel & Accessories, Beauty, and more.

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Cash Option

If you select the Cash option, we will send you an a check via USPS First Class Mail within 24 hours of receiving your gift cards.

USPS Mail takes between 3 - 7 days to arrive at most locations.

Importing Contacts

We are retrieving your contacts....


(This may some time if you have a lot of contacts)

Let us know what merchant we should accept! We'll email you as soon as we start accepting them.

Buy Electronic Gift Cards

When you purchase an electronic gift card, we'll email you the gift card number and pin so you can use it online. These electronic gift cards will be emailed to you within 24 hours.

Electronic gift cards cannot be shipped to you and can only be used online, not in physical retail locations.

* We cannot accept returns for electronic gift cards.

Buy Electronic Gift Cards

When you purchase an electronic gift card, we'll email you the gift card number and pin so you can use it online. These electronic gift cards will be emailed to you within 24 hours.

Electronic gift cards cannot be shipped to you and can only be used online, not in physical retail locations.

* We cannot accept returns for electronic gift cards.

ecardexchange on iPhone

New - Mobile Gift Cards!

When you purchase a mobile gift card, we'll send you a link to display the gift card on your smartphone. Why choose a mobile gift card?

  • Fastest delivery. Get your gift card within 24 hours.
  • Use at any retail location, just like a plastic card.

Your smartphone must be able to browse web pages. Delivery is free from ecardexchange but data rates may apply.

Mobile gift cards cannot be physically shipped to you.
* We cannot accept returns for mobile gift cards.

ecardexchange on iPhone

New - Mobile Gift Cards!

When you purchase a mobile gift card, we'll send you a link to display the gift card on your smartphone. Why choose a mobile gift card?

  • Fastest delivery. Get your gift card within 24 hours.
  • Use at any retail location, just like a plastic card.

Your smartphone must be able to browse web pages. Delivery is free from ecardexchange but data rates may apply.

Mobile gift cards cannot be physically shipped to you.
* We cannot accept returns for mobile gift cards.

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Electronic Redemption Option

To protect the ecardexchange Community against fraudulent activity, gift card sellers are required to keep a valid credit card on file when selling gift cards electronically.

Credit cards will not be charged unless the seller is found to have obtained the gift cards through illegal or fraudulent means or the gift card is used after it has been sold to ecardexchange.

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Verifying Gift Card

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